"I’m efficient, right... this body is well-proportioned, and I’ve been relaxing..." - Laptop Woman

(complementary blog)


Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (


Mathematics ❤ (@math___lover) • Instagram photos and videos (very interesting - linear transportation, from one planet, star or dimension... to another, has been invalidated... and yet, Archimede's principle attests... that the shortest path between two points, is 'a straight line'...)

"...something Jesus Christ must have thought of, when finding a way... to get to heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:04 AM (9/1/22)

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24
"...and so I cry myself to sleep, and hope the devil I don't meet... the dreams, that I live through..."


"Life consists of a series of stages, but some paths through such... are more favorable, for transitioning through them... with minimal regrets, and in an 'intrinsic fashion'... If a decade (10 years) goes by, and you can relate to your 'prior self'... as though such was 'yesterday'... then you may be walking on the spiritual path, that was intended for you... in the context, of the story... of Enoch, from the bible...
Self-respect, love and confidence, are some key, preliminary aspects... of 'genuine, spiritual progression'... - Michael Izuchukwu

"A means of relating to the 'above'... is familiarization with oneself, via introspection... and personal, video narrations... via a cell phone, or digital camera...
...I will be relating to that methodology of 'discussion'... more actively..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: Talking into a camera, does require a certain degree of 'physiological fitness and mental acuity'... when engaging in certain communications, or making a presentation... Practice makes perfect...

"...after 10 miles in, me and 'some others' would likely be contacted... so that emergency personnel, could be on standby..." - Texas Man
NOTE #1:
The dude featured here, 'just looks' like someone... who could fit, the above description... made by 'Texas Man'
NOTE #2: 
There are 1,600 meters (5,280 feet)... in a mile (4 laps, around a track)...
Crazy video... DMX died on 4/9/21 ('Google search') and yet, Stacey Dash (who looks 'distinctly different, here') is saying she just found out about this (via this 'advertisement,' from 7 hours ago... as of 11:19 AM, on 9/1/22...
8:12 AM (9/10/22):
"After reading this article (featuring Stacy Dash and DMX), I concluded that 'such' are unethical... in the context of being artificial, and the fact that they are carcinogenic ('cancer-causing')... It's far better, to have healthy dietary intake, exercise and hygiene... than be a person, 'dying on the inside'... as is evident, in the contents..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:20 AM (9/1/22):
Interesting video of Andy 'Diaz Hernandez,' triple jumping 17.67 meters (57'11.75"), which is the same distance that Nelson Evora... won the 2008 Olympics, in Beijing, China, with...
...I couldn't find any other footage of such, on YouTube...
Triple Jump 2008 mix - YouTube (3:11-3:28 - 'green and red dude')
...resonating lyrics were 'the ground shall break, when they bury him'... (0:14-0:19)

"The journey is the reward..." - Steve Jobs

7:07 AM (9/1/22):
A woman chilling in her NYC apartment, and attempting to reassure herself of something

7:00 AM (9/1/22):
Interesting parody of a scene, from the movie 'Meet Joe Black'...

6:53 AM (9/1/22):
Interesting video of Dua Lipa, showcasing her 'physiological fitness'...

2:21 PM (8/30/22):
"There is the question of how I got to the stage/level I am at, regarding speaking and writing ability, and self-comfort... I would attest such is attributable to the fact, that over the years... I have been educating myself, in and out of classes (keeping notes/a diary, regarding my daily experiences) as well as having taken courses that fine-tuned my analytical processes (at Rice University, Seton Hall University and Eastern Virginia Medical... from 2008-2019)...
...nevertheless, my love for writing since I was in elementary school (which began with 'short stories'), along with video footage I have filmed... since 2019 (featuring myself, discussing a variety of matters/subjects)... likely accounts, for my present disposition... when making presentations (where I am featured)... This is also refined, by the fact... that I have watched numerous videos online, for inspiration..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"To my recollection, I ended up getting an 'A' in HUMA 201 (public speaking)... despite having appealed... the manner, in which the course was instructed... I also got an A- in COST 1500 (Oral Rhetoric), a public speaking course that I took... at Seton Hall University..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Due to the aforementioned, and the fact that I once had a YouTube account with nearly 10,000 favorited videos (before such was subject to deletion, by 'means which are not understood'... I will utilize that platform, more than TikTok... given that was what I was familiar with, as a high schooler... and such seems still relevant, to date (I have been with such, since 2005... or so)...
...maybe someone out there, has an inability... to relate to 'sophisticated communication'... or, to exhibit such... themselves, given that YouTube is basically the primer... for how I attained this level, of advancement... in the context, of inspiration... and rhetoric..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:14 PM (8/30/22):
"Work-life balance is critical, and these 2 variables... tend to be refined, by one's education..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"If you work to make a living... as opposed to living to work, you may progress through life... having made intrinsic use, of time's passage... which is irreversible... This concept relates to that of an 'hourglass'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:09 PM (8/30/22):
"There is biological age, chronological age, and 'spacetime age'... based off one's lifestyle choices, and how one relates to the variables... of the spirit, mind and body (with respect to him/herself)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:03 PM (8/30/22):
"On this blog of mine [THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (], I pinpointed that there may be a pathway for asymptotic aging... but one has to capitalize on spacetime, in order to set that process... in motion. 
"Asymptotic aging seems to have ‘diminishing returns,’ regarding feedback on such… the older one becomes… unless one actively gauges his/her progression, on an annual basis… beginning around the age of 28 years old, or so…" - Michael Izuchukwu (from 'above' blog)

1:33 PM (8/30/22): 
Sad, and unsettling article... Perhaps such is some illness, based off 'extreme lethargy'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

1:17 PM (8/30/22):
Fancy restaurant, that would be nice to eat at

1:15 PM (8/30/22)
A dude discussing his weight loss, while making a Pinocchio reference

1:14 PM (8/30/22)
"Interesting hotel view, that is quite panoramic...
6:24 AM (8/30/22):

5:56 AM (8/30/22):
Many places, to have nice evening meals...

5:41 AM (8/30/22):
Me standing in Monte Irvin Orange Park... on 8/10/22, the day I was self-proclaimed as 'the King of Darkness'...

5:32 AM (8/30/22):
Interesting video of a body snatcher... who entered a female (possibly one of the female's associates)... who doesn't seem enthusiastic about returning such, given that she is training her 'new body'...

5:30 AM (8/30/22):
Interesting video, of someone getting his/her nails trimmed, and cleaned...

5:16 AM (8/30/22):
Some insane gymnastics, by a very fit dude...
